Recording spray track

We are spraying from a copter using Pixhawk 3.3 and MP 1.3.39.
Ideally, I’d like to be able to record the spray track separately from the flight track (ie overlaid on the flight track in another colour when we pull the spray trigger). That way we can see where we have been and where we have missed, live while flying, and have a record of the areas that have been sprayed. I thought that perhaps we could use the existing green dots that get laid down with Auto-mapping photos - I’m not sure if it is possible to create them with a manual camera/spray trigger?

Any ideas much appreciated thanks.


I am also interested. Hamish, have you found a solution that works for you?

Particularly interesting now that Copter 3.4 has the Spray functionality.

Hi Jeff. Not yet. It would be nice to see it built into the Spray Function
of 3.4.