Problems with mavproxy and raspberrypi

I’m building a “On Board CS” based on Raspberry pi 2 to control a VRBRain 5.2 or a pixhawk clone.
I’ve installed raspbian jessie lite and then followed the guide for mavlink and mavproxy and dronekit connecting RPI to arducopter base FC via USB.
The problem is that I cannot install via pip command: I get the message “File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/”, line 25, in <module from requests.compat import IncompleteRead
ImportError: cannot import name IncompleteRead
as in the screeshot

anyone can help/support?

Hello, you need to update pip.

sudo apt-get purge python-requests python-pip
sudo python

And the reinstall pymavlink !

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I’ll try and let know

ok. it works perfectly.

But the problem now is that when I start mavproxy from rc.local to forward from USB to network, VRBrain stucks, instead if I wait RPi is up&running and then start mavproxy VRBrain works perfectly.
Tomorrow I’ll test pixhawk clone

I start mavproxy as following (I have RPi connected to lan (192.168.2.x) for testing and acting as AccessPoint (network 10.0.1.x)

sudo --master=/dev/ttyACM0 --out=udpbcast: --out=tcpin: --out=udpbcast: