LidarLite3 doesn't work on pixhawk?

ok. thanks a lot


Hi,OXINARF and rmackay9

I have post a topic in drone-kit forum to ask them whether support the terrain follow of LidarLite for a few days.but onbody reply it . I am stuck by it and so urgent. could you please give me some other suggestions.

Thank you very much for your help

Best Regards

Hi,OXINARF and rmackay9

my application condition is very simple, the flight field is a flat ground and at 3 meter high, when I use barometer for rangefinder, the flight altitude isn’t accurate, and fly lower and lower, so I ready to use LidarLite v3 for rangefinder.after set all parameter follow the link, if I use RC controller to fly it in loiter mode, the copter can fly stably, it obviously use LidarLite for rangefinder. but if I switch to drone-kit to fly it autonomously, in guided or auto mode, it couldn’t fly stably, maybe it would fly lower and lower.


I’m sorry but I can’t help you, Dronekit isn’t ArduPilot’s responsibility nor do I use it, so there’s no way I can give you any indication on what you can change in Dronekit to make it work.

If you need to do development work and you don’t know how, you’ll need to learn or hire someone. We have a commercial support list if you are interested:

thanks a lot all the way. I will take your suggestion



Has ardupilot incorporated a way/parameter/setting to activate the lidar in Guided mode yet?
I have a pixhawk 2.1 and a lightware SF20 lidar. The lidar works perfectly in loiter mode, but as mentioned in previous posts, once I switch to Guided mode the lidar has no effect.

Is there any update with regards to this? Thanks