How to install firmware on APM 2.8

Hi everybody,

I’m planning to start a new project with Ardupilot (Copter) but I’m really new and I’m a little bit lost. I’ve recently bought an APM 2.8 board on Amazon. (ÅMÅZÕÑ&qid=1487424171&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=apm+2.8+ardupilot&dpPl=1&dpID=51VVx0DIccL&ref=plSrch)

I’ve read the last compatible firmware is the version 3.2.1, but how can I install the firmware on the board? T’he mission planner software won’t let me do it, didn’t it?

Moreover, for my project, I’ll need to “talk” to APM 2.8 through Mavlink protocol to stablish waypoints on the flight time. Is that possible with this board?

Have I done a bad purchase?

I will really apreciate your help.

Thank you!

Nothing wrong with that FC I’m sure, perfectly fine for an APM. Mission Planner will flash the firmware no problem but it probably came with 3.2.1 which is the last supported anyway. But should you wish to do it simply choose the latest stable release (3.4.5 today) and it will recognize it’s an APM FC and install 3.2.1 with no other action required.

Auto Missions with Waypoints is no problem also. You can configure them thru USB in Mission Planner or other Ground Station software but a telemetry radio is a lot more convenient. You will want one anyway for general configuration/calibration purposes. Having the USB cable connected during some of these process’s is annoying.

I’m flying a couple of those boards, and they’re a good board. Yes, the Mavlink radios work with them with no problems. The APM2.8 has an internal compass too. If you want to use an external with it the port is right above the GPS port (don’t have to plug into the IC2 port because they’re the same on that board). There’s a jumper right by the port you have to pull off for external compass - no cutting traces on the board anymore.

If you’re not sure, you can download AC3.2.1 from here and install it manually from your computer’s hard drive. Select apm2 quad, tri, helicopter, whatever you’re flying to make sure you get the right one:

You did not make a bad purchase. Those are probably the most stable flight controller ever invented.

Thank you all for your replies!

Now I can be more relaxed. I thought it was a bad purchase.

Have you tried, after you have all the setting configured in Mission Planner. On the right side of the page click on Wright to Board? It states something like that. The Gentleman I watch on YouTube is the one that says that. , Look for Dave Merc Productions. You might try this mans ideals. You might have to copy and paste this web address. I hope this helps you.

hi there
can u tell me how to download the firmware.
i opened the page and saw two hex files what to do with it?

hope you reply soon