Help with object avoidance

As I mentioned on “Radar”/DISTANCE_SENSOR screen, I managed to get the “radar screen” displayed.

The problem was ArduCopter 3.4.6. When I switched to 3.5-rc11, a window simply poped-up.

I don’t recall now why I thought 3.4 was enough. Maybe a mistake.

Despite this, I recommend adding a note to, stating that minimum version is 3.5.

@ppoirier, heartbeat messages were not necessary. I noticed that POC is using system_mode parameter with value zero. It seems that this value is invalid, since it is not in MAV_MODE_FLAG ENUM.

I’m sending distance_sensor messages for orientations 0-7, 24, and 25.

Now I’ll test if ArduCopter really uses these messages to avoid obstacles.


Godd, nice to know you are making progress.

Updating the wiki is something you could certainly do, it is quite easy, and its helping everyone :slight_smile:
Concerning the heartbeat, you are right, I used the feature as a standalone when working directly with the widget. The value “0” returns a Uninitialized system, state is unknown, that has no real incidence for this component, but thanks for pointing it.


nice, thats really cool. Could you share your arduino code? Most importantly the part where it sends the mavlink message. Are there any resources / libraries involved? Could you give me a hint, where to look for those?

thank you :slight_smile:


The code is just exactly with is shown on my last replyabove

okay, thank you! :slight_smile: but where is the heartbeat sending the distance measurement?
do you have any idea how to permanently change the i2c address of the lidar lite v3? I want to use 2 of them via i2c.
thank you :slight_smile:


Did you ever end up getting this to work for you?

which sonar or LIDAR are I using?
in the USA, where can I buy sonar or LIDAR for pixhawk 2.4.6?
I’ll use it on a quad

@ppoirier how can I install and use MAVLink Inspector on windows? May you help me?


Just install QgroundControl , its part of the widgets

I will install QGroundControl


Which message pack should I use to send the distance messages?
I’m guessing I need something that looks like the pack function for the heartbeat (mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack(sysid,compid, &msg, system_type, autopilot_type, system_mode, custom_mode, system_state))

But I’m not sure which pack to use. Also, if you know where to find a list of the pack functions, that would be great.


Take a look at my Arduino code:

Hello Patrick

Thanks for the reply and link to your code! I really appreciate it.

I’m using SharpIR sensors, which are sampled at a baud rate of 9600. Do I have to feed the Pixhawk serial port (using Telem1) at 115200 like what your code is doing? or can I simply adjust the serial baud rate in pixhawk parameters to 9600? As you know, switching baud rate on a non-mega arduino is a bit tricky.

@MCITYFC you can use SoftwareSerial, and the Sharp Library for arduino.

Never been really successfull with the SharpIR , I prefer the VL53L0x for the same range.

Patrick, I have a LIDARLite v3 working as a horizontal proximity sensor (Mission Planner; Copter 3.5.4). The copter slides (annoyingly) to port side when the AVOID_MARGIN 2m is reached. From the info in your post I gather that I can set PROXIMITY_SENSOR 2 to cause a STOP. You mention that this can be configured using advanced options within Mission Planner. I’ve scoured MP Full Parameter List but can’t find any reference to this setting. Can you please advise further how to define AC_AVOID_USE_PROXIMITY_SENSOR value?
Thanks for your time.

@Alan_Winlaw depends on the mode and on sensors setup.
As an example , if you have single sensor (looking forward) and fly in Alt-Hold mode , chances are that it will slip one side or the other.
You can adjust this parameter , but bear in mind that in my setup (The POC), I have 6 sensors covering 180 degree forward , making the avoidance system ‘‘boxed’’ within the walls, with no chances of slipping.

Cheers, mate. I’ll check that out.

Hello Patrick

The obstacle stop system is a go on my drone! I switched to VL53L0X as well, it’s tiny, lightweight and effective! Thanks for the suggestion and the help!

Just one point to note for the others who want to try this: When objects are out of range, your sensor should be giving you a constant reading equal to your max value set in the arduino code. If it’s jumping around between max and min, check if the protective film is still on the sensor! I didn’t realize that until a few hours into it! A jumping reading will cause the drone to jerk around or fly in one direction.

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Hello Patrick
Does this feature still work in guided_no_gps mode?

There is some confusion about the guided_no_gps mode = this mode is ‘‘blind’’ and you control the quad using trust vectors.

I would say I can use the avoidance in alt-hold mode and in guided mode using opticalflow with no gps that is similar to guided GPS in the sense that you can control with EK3 using relative position.