Custom or modified mavlink message not working in ArduCopter


I want to add custom mavlink message to ArduCopter firmware with my ErleBrain2.

I’ve added this code to ardupilotmega.xml in modules/mavlink/message_definitions/

<message id="239" name="MYDEBUG"> <description>Send a debug value. The index is used to discriminate between values. These values show up in the plot of QGroundControl as DEBUG N.</description> <field type="uint32_t" name="time_boot_ms">Timestamp (milliseconds since system boot)</field> <field type="uint8_t" name="ind">index of debug variable</field> <field type="float" name="value">DEBUG value</field> </message>
and added usage code near raw_sensors stream to test original debug and “mydebug” ones.

mavlink_msg_mydebug_send(chan,AP_HAL::micros(), 1, 100); mavlink_msg_debug_send(chan,AP_HAL::micros(), 1, 100);

then compile code and upload it to ErleBrain2.

I have python code to test this:

master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('')

while True:
    print 'Waiting for DEBUG'
    print master.recv_match(type='DEBUG', blocking=True)
    print 'Waiting for MYDEBUG'
    print master.recv_match(type='MYDEBUG', blocking=True)

Also i have C code to emulate copter (modified example from … link_udp.c):

         mavlink_msg_debug_test_pack(1, 200, &msg, microsSinceEpoch(), 100, 200);
         len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf, &msg);
         bytes_sent = sendto(sock, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&gcAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
         mavlink_msg_debug_pack(1, 200, &msg, microsSinceEpoch(), 100, 200);
         len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf, &msg);
         bytes_sent = sendto(sock, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&gcAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));

With mavlink_udp.c - all works fine. But with ArduCopter.elf on my erlebrain2 i have problems.

For original debug - all works fine. But with custom message - not.
Seems that it does not sends from firmware at all.

Also, if i try to change id or name of original debug - it’s not working.

Can someone give me hint to solve this?

After some debugging, i found that message is sended to

Packets generated by mavlink code:

[code]mavlink_msg_debug_test_send(chan, AP_HAL::micros(), 100, 200);
0xfe 0x9 0xf1 0x1 0x1 0xef 0x51 0xde 0x53 0x2 00 00 0x48 0x43 0x64 0xe9 0x11
mavlink_msg_debug_test_send(chan, AP_HAL::micros(), 100, 200);
0xfe 0x9 0xf2 0x1 0x1 0xef 0x67 0xde 0x53 0x2 00 00 0x48 0x43 0x64 0xe2 0x4

mavlink_msg_debug_send(chan, AP_HAL::micros(), 100, 200);
0xfe 0x9 0xf3 0x1 0x1 0xfe 0x75 0xde 0x53 0x2 00 00 0x48 0x43 0x64 0x3d 0xc
mavlink_msg_debug_send(chan, AP_HAL::micros(), 100, 200);
0xfe 0x9 0xf4 0x1 0x1 0xfe 0x83 0xde 0x53 0x2 00 00 0x48 0x43 0x64 0x2 0x19

with tcpdump i can see only original messages, but not custom ones.

Any ideas about reasons?