Update: Those cables (http://www.ebay.com/itm/4pcs-PXFmini-cable-Dronecode-cables-and-JST-GH-DF13-connectorssilica-gel-200mm-/152340479222?hash=item2378333cf6:g:YdkAAOSwZVlXoxvs) are NOT what’s needed. For my partiular GPS, the connectors are actually “Molex PicoBlade”,which do not appear to be compatible with DF13 (despite some stuff I found on internet that implied the connectors could be filed). I haven’t “engineered” a solution due to lack of time, but it looks like JST-GH -> Molex PicoBlade would do the trick. It’s slightly complicated by the fact that the pinouts don’t always match between the GPS and the PixHawk (this is a reflection of my ignorance of how to wire these things). In any event, I noticed this thread had a few views and wanted to prevent anyone else from buying those cables.