Can someone verify my approach for Offboard Control?


I’m trying to setup a simulation with Arducopter SITL. I would like to use GUIDED mode to takeoff. Can someone please review my approach and tell me what I’m missing?

  1. Arm the drone
  2. Enable Guided Mode
  3. Send set point commands


I. When I arm the drone, it disarms itself in 15 sec. If I override throttle channel to non-zero value(1000+), it does not disarm itself… Is this okay to do?
II. In GUIDED mode on ground, vehicle does not takeoff with set point command. Again, if i override throttle to non-zero value(1000+), It takes off. I have control over throttle.
III. When desired altitude has been reached, I switch to ALT_HOLD mode. Drone loses altitude in ALT_HOLD mode. Is this because of rc override?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Solved my own problem.

Need throttle out of cutoff (!= 1000)
ALT_HOLD lost altitude because throttle was not centered.