About the funding proposals category

Discussion of proposed projects that Ardupilot.ORG will fund. Our funding committee will review your proposal. Use this category if you have a great idea or need. Older proposals are archived here.

What is this category?

This category has been created to be a place for people (users, developers, etc) to propose how ArduPilot funds be used to help ArduPilot related projects (i.e. up to a few thousand dollars).

We expect proposals to come from at least two sources:

  • People with a project in mind that they would like to receive funds in order to help it along
  • People who would like to propose a piece of work that will be completed by someone else

Proposals should be no more than 2 pages and include:

  • description of the project and how it would improve ArduPilot
  • how much money is needed- what resources are needed (hardware, software, time)
  • what core developer support is required (if any)
  • timespan for the completion of the project (and milestones if longer than 3 months)
  • what skills the developer has to complete the task (i.e. past experience contributing to ArduPilot)

What happens next?
Proposals entered into this category will be reviewed by a few members of the funding committee (members of the dev team) and there may be follow up questions to clarify things.

What happens if my proposal is approved?
An “approved” reply will be posted by a member of the funding committee and a funds transfer (usually via paypal) will be made to your email address.

What happens if my proposal is not approved?
A “sorry, not approved at this time” message will be posted by a member of the funding committee along with a short description of why it couldn’t be approved.Please don’t be discouraged if your proposal is not approved. ArduPilot funds are quite limited and so projects might not be approved for many reasons. It may very well be a good idea but it just wasn’t something that the funding committee felt confident approving at the time.

Where does the money come from?
ArduPilot receives donations from individuals and partners and from the SWAG Shop. These donations are first put aside to cover fixed costs (servers, etc) but remaining funds are put to use to fund proposals like those in this category.

Proposals vs Issues
Proposals are requests for funds or suggestions on how ArduPilot funds should be spent. This shouldn’t be confused with general system enhancement requests which should instead be added to the ArduPilot Issues List.

Also a link to the funding committee rules can be found here

On January 16th, the ArduPilot team voted and approved a ArduPilot Funding Committee charter.

ArduPilot Partners Funding Committee v1.1.pdf (77.5 KB)